Why Athletes?

The attributes it takes to be a successful athlete are in line with the responsibilities of a support worker. They know the meaning and understand the responsibility of showing up every day for something greater than themselves. Like their team uniform, our athletes show up ready to provide support and put happiness first.

Picture this, Angus Bell taking a kid with autism for a swim or an ice cream. Sean Keppie taking a participant to Flip Out or Maddy Proud taking a young female participant to Nelsons Park for a swim after school. These athletes are directly helping us build an inclusive Australia. We’re working to break down the stigma around autism and put happiness first for all abilities every single day.

Our athletes are essential in promoting awareness of the role and career of a support worker at the same time as directly helping us build an inclusive Australia.

Meet some of our athletes below:

Athletes – NSW
Athletes – QLD
Athletes – WA
Athletes – VIC